Your greatness ​starts here.

Live free fromsubstance use.

Join us to apply evidence-based prevention for ​the healthy & safe development of your children, ​your family, and your community.

OAPTAR is the only organization in ​Malaysia that specializes in people-​focused, evidence-based ​prevention, treatment and recovery ​support for substance use.

SDG 2030 ​Agenda

carry the hopes, dreams, rights, ​and expectations of people ​everywhere.

Together with our partners, ​OAPTAR is actively localizing ​SDG Goals 3, 4, 5 and 16.

Community-based approach to ​substance use prevention and ​addiction treatment and ​recovery support is the more ​effective and compassionate ​way forward.

Become a facilitator for

Conducted by

Universal Family Skills Programme for Prevention & ​Healthy Development of Children

24 - 26 Oct. | Serapi Hotel, Kuching

Alliance for

evidence-based prevention

Ministry of Women, ​Early Childhood and ​Community ​Wellbeing ​Development, ​Sarawak

Benefit from our work in ​drug demand reduction.

Our programs help prevent young people from starting to use ​psychoactive substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

student study with teacher ,education and class learning concept

School-based, family-based & community-​based prevention intervention

The evidence is clear: invest in people-focused ​evidence-based prevention.

We help you Design, Develop, Implement, Manage ​and Sustain Prevention Programs. You get to apply ​proven methods, science-backed tools, and data-​driven practices grounded in theories.

You will be guided by the UNODC/WHO Inte​rnational Standards on Drug Use Prevention an​d ethical s​tandards.

Men sitting on chairs and talking.  icon. Mental health treatment

Treatment & Recovery Support

When nothing else work, we do. To us, your recovery ​from substance use disorder must come first so that ​everything you love in life doesn't have to come last.

Your greatness lies in being able to remake ​yourself. We help you with science and compassion.

Because every life is worth recovery.

Playful Professional Corporate Training

Prevention, Treatment & Recovery ​Support Education & Training

OAPTAR is the national training provider for the ​Universal Treatment Curriculum, the Universal ​Prevention Curriculum & the INEP Plus Evidence-​based Prevention.

We regularly organize webinars to educate global ​professionals in the field of drug demand reduction.

Lined Corporate Timel Management Scene

Program Management

Well-intentioned prevention intervention programs ​are hard to develop, implement and sustain.

OAPTAR has experienced program managers to hel​p you succeed in implementing and sustainin​g evidence-based prevention intervention program.​ ​

OAPTAR’s work in prevention, ​treatment & recovery support for ​substance use disorders.

Evidence-based ​prevention programs

Universal ​Prevention ​Curriculum ​Training Courses

Universal ​Treatment ​Curriculum ​Training Courses

Learn more

OAPTAR is the only ​organization in Malaysia ​implementing evidence-​based prevention ​programs.

Our current evidence-based ​prevention programs

Wellness Champion School-​based Prevention Program


Jan - Dec 2024


SMK Lake


SMK Paku

SMK Singai


Sarawak ​Education Dept.

Prevention Intervention for ​Drug-Free Sibu


Jun 2024 - Jun 2025


Majlis Pembangunan ​Sosial Sarawak,

Majlis Daerah Sibu,


Jab. Pendidikan ​Sarawak.

INEP Plus: Intro to Evidence-based ​Prevention Training


14-Aug - 02-Oct 2024


ISSUP Malaysia,

Majlis Pembangunan ​Sosial Sarawak.

Learn more

Family United: Family-based ​Prevention Training for Program ​Managers


24 -26 October​ 2024



What we ​care about

A society free from substance use ​and addiction.

So that we have thriving, ​healthy communities and happy ​families.

Substance use disorder can happen ​to someone you love or in your family.

It destroys a person, friendships & ​families, and breaks societies.

Prevention is hard, but regret is ​harder.

Lebih baik cegah.

OAPTAR Family-based Prevention Intervention Program. This a a family skills and parenting skills program based on UNODC-WHO Family United Program.

Why people prefer OAPTAR

OAPTAR is an internationally recognized NGO in the field of drug ​demand reduction and the preferred partner by UNODC, the Colombo ​Plan, ISSUP, the Sarawak state government, universities and various ​other organizations and government agencies.

Credentialed by Global ​Centre for Credentialing & ​Certification (GCCC)

Our trainers are credentialed as ​International Certified Addiction ​Professionals (ICAP) by the GCCC. They ​are also Global Master Trainers and ​consultants in drug demand reduction.

abstract data and graphs

Data-driven, evidence-based

Our prevention interventions apply the gold ​standard in prevention science. We are ​methodical, grounded in theories of ​behavior change. Our work is based on ​data collected from the field, not hearsay, ​not hunches.

Science-based Prevention, ​Treatment & Recovery Training ​Curriculum

The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) ​has been developed by several teams of ​curriculum developers, including JBS ​International, SME Consulting, and TTK, ​with overall coordination by the Global ​Centre for Credentialing and ​Certification of (GCCC).

The Universal Prevention Curriculum ​(UPC) is science-based information and ​skills-based prevention training. Founded ​on the International Standards on Drug ​Use Prevention developed by UNODC. ​Written by prevention researchers who ​are specialists in substance use ​epidemiology and evaluation, and in ​prevention strategies that are delivered ​to families; within schools, workplace and ​community.

What our training ​participants say

Testimonial Stars Icon

INEP Plus training on evidence-​based prevention gave me new ​insights about what work in ​prevention. The trainers are highly ​kn​owledgeable and kept us engaged.

Fatima Alhajri, ​Qatar

Testimonial Stars Icon

Trauma-informed care, UTC-21​, training was eye-opening. Shoul​d have learnt those stuffs earlier​.

Elena Okulskaya, ​Kazakhstan

Testimonial Stars Icon

Travelled from Karachi to attend the ​5-day UPC-6 Workplace-based ​Prevention in Kuala Lumpur. ​OAPTAR members were truly ​amazing hosts. The trainers are ​highly experienced. Learnt so much. ​Thank you for the Malaysian ​hospitali​ty and the learnings.

Maliha Naz Rana, ​Pakistan

OAPTAR members: Cindy Biding, Elsiy Tinggang, Nashwin Zain, Franklyn, KA Gunah, Dato Zainuddin, George Young, Mimi Omar, Abel Ahing, AD Leong, Syla Liday, Ashwin Thind, Dominc Retan

Contact us

Organization for

Addiction prevention,

treatment & Recovery

OAPTAR, Serapi Hotel,

Jalan Kulas Utara Dua,

Kampong Bandarshah,

93400 Kuching,


WhatsApp: +60.16 2​5​0 8425


Office Hour​s

Monday: 9.30am – 4pm

Tuesday: 9.30am – 4pm

Wednesday: 9.30am – 4pm

Thursday: 9.30am – 4pm

Friday: 9.30am – 12p​m